
The Catalog is NOT for free

Fee Distribution

What is a fair price for you to use this huge catalog, to know what duplicates are available in the world, maintain your collection and to be in this community? Last weekend and the following Monday I spend again a lot of time to restore the database of our catalog, because important parts of the table of contents where deleted accidently.

Bananas are important for Hindus

We all like to eat delicious bananas, but for Hindus this fruit means much more. Female evil spirit Pontianak (in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan it is called Churel) it lives among plants, including banana trees. It is worth noting that, despite the generally accepted name "banana tree", this plant is not a tree as such.

Bananas are used not only as food

This fruit is suitable not only for satisfying hunger. For example, in Latin America, the inverted leaves of a banana plant are used as a raincoat or umbrella during precipitation.

Bananas have become in great demand thanks to Jules Verne

Jules Verne is known all over the world as the author of adventure novels, such as "20,000 leagues under the Sea" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Do you know what success he has achieved in popularizing bananas?

Bananas are infertile

The paradox is that, having an exceptional phallic shape, the banana known to us is itself deprived of a healthy sexual life. The bananas available to us in stores belong to the Cavendish subgroup, and their common feature is complete sterility. Wild bananas are a massive herbaceous plant that grows in the jungle.
