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The Catalog is Huge

The Catalog is Huge

When you are new, the catalog is quite simple to keep the complexity low. But there are tons of functions and reports and background information when you want to dive deeper into the hobby of collecting banana labels:

Following examples:

Stalking the Wild Banana

Stalking the Wild Banana

Gabriel Sachter-Smith is a banana aficionado who has identified some 500 varieties of banana on expeditions around the tropical world. “It’s like collecting Pokémon,” Mr. Sachter-Smith said at his farm, Hawaii Banana Source, on the North Shore of Oahu.

Happy 10th Anniversary to our Online Banana Sticker Catalog!

10 Years BLC

A decade ago, we launched a platform that brought together a small but passionate community of collectors from around the world. What started as a simple archive for the colorful and often quirky stickers on our bananas has grown into a vibrant and diverse gathering place for over 500 enthusiasts.

The 2023 Catalog in Numbers

The 2023 Catalog in Numbers

This is the catalog of all known banana labels. It is an incomprehensibly huge thing. Let's collect some numbers with data from today, the 29th of January of 2024

В Твери живет коллекционер, которая собрала более 10 000 наклеек от бананов


У жительницы Твери Эльвиры Храповицкой весьма необычное хобби: она уже больше 30 лет собирает наклейки от бананов. Сейчас у девушки их чуть больше 10 000, она хранит их в шести фотоальбомах. У этого вида коллекционирования есть неофициальное название - фруксотитулофилия.
