Catalog Entry
Each label belong at least to one catalog entry. The labels of a catalog entry are shown at the same web page. There is a hierarchical structure of this entries, if a set of labels should be spearated. For example you can put promotion labels of movies ("Ice Age", "Horton", "Rio", ..) from Chiquita in a structure like this:
- Chiquita
- Movies
- Ice Age
- Horton
- Rio
- Movies
- Rainforest Alliance
Few labels have got more than one catalog entry. For example some certification labels like "Rainforest Alliance". This label can be presented in the catalog together with the set of labels it appears (in this case for example in the "Ice Age" catalog entry) AND it can be shown together will all the other "Rainforest Alliance" labels in a separate catalog entry. You can use as many catalog entries as you like, but of course, there is no need to show the same label at too many pages.
There is one default catalog entry "Unclassified label" if it is not clear where to upload a new finding. This can be discussed in the forum.