Unordered list of requirements that is maintained for the catalog of bananalabels.
- Test environment (Aquia)
- Test: Adaptive Image Styles (AIS) w/performance
- Shorter and better URL for the own tradelist
- Migrate to Drupal 8.x
Special Trade flag with experiy date because too many labels are getting special trade labelsPictures in the gallery can be ommited to use them only in articlesFix 'Missing field' problem after PHP update and split the two flags: like it & verify it in two viewsModul to calculate earned points (User Points module) installedArticles about the effort to keep the catalog up to date & price to use the catalogView where the country of origin is missing but in the text mentionedView where the PLU is missing but in the text mentionedView with only labels where data is missingNew permission 'Trade' to exclude collectors if necessarySome articles about the costAdd the trade value to the want- & requestlistTrade Value for all labelsDisable contact formular in the Forum tap due to massive spamsAccess denied error in all languagesCatalog entrfy only visible as registered userIcon (silver medal) for collectors that are very activ and add contend (verifications & new lables)Collector pictures filtered automatically by countryWhen counting the number of labels in the catalog the 'rejected' are not included any moreNew flag for rare labels to indicate a special tradeArticle: Statistics, Balanced tradesReorg: Fairtrade, One, QuirolaUsergrouop: "Premium Member" addedPrivacy Policy addedEU Cookie Compliance addedRemove 'Content complete' because the migrated content is now completeTranslation into RussiaTranslation into Low SaxonDifferent colour codes for verified / unverified year of issuesDiffer the frame of a label, depending on its material (platic, paper, foil, ..): Solved with an icon below the pictureNew view to show similar designs or "Twins" (i.e. TOCO = TICO)The REQUES- and WANTLIST are sorted by last date when a label is added to the list. The most current activities are at the top.New Symbol for Plastic, Tin and Metal Foil in the catalog entries addedAdded an contact formular to get in contact with the webmasterShow the number duplicates a the trade page as first informationUpdate all old images in poor qualityInstall the module to use tokens in menu (to use the name in the user account, so the user does see if he is logged in)Changed the headlines of all pages so they mach the menu structure. So the user does see that the content fits to his click.Reduce the number of labels from 50 down to 20 of most of the pages. It took too much time to load all the pictures on mobile devices.The first lines at each page are reduced a bit. On mobile devises they took 1/2 of the screen.New Search for "text on label" at the Homepage. For new users it is much easier to find labels. I guess only expierenced user search by index. We will see ...Remove some filtercriterias and use the "contextual filter". For example the tradelist, catalog, etc. This views are now able to used only when you click on a name of a tradepartner. This makes the views more clean and easy to usePut the "information" websites in a secondary menu structure and display instead the Tradelist / Table of ContentsNew text format for the "Text on Label" to display the line break used in the edit mode.Language swiths / Language Selection: URL on topCheck and update german translationsSimplify some views with contextual filters instad if user filterResponsive Grid Views for the new entries, 5 to verify and likeDisplay of special characters (e.g. &) is sometimes wrong (Pratt's: Savid)SEARCH with hierarchy of motifes. So you can find "2 Bananas" also in facet "bananas".The flag "I want it" is set back when "I have it" is clicked.A view with updated banana labels and collector who changed it is added to the catalog tapList of own duplicates is including an URL to post to users, that are not registered at the catalogIndex added to the galleryOptimize the DB and removed a lot of unused tabels. For cache, index, reversions, etc. Now down from 1,6 GB to 500MB.Install Modul DB Optimazion to check the SQL-too-many-users error (cach_form)The "Wishlist" must have a second parameter not only to the banana labels but also to a tradeparter. That means a collector does like to have a bananan label but only from a sepecific tradepartnerReorg label typeHarmonize REJECTED and FRAUD: See Turbana green labelOmit it: Labels of the tradelist can be omit, if someone does not need them (misprint, wrappers, variants, ...) to reduce he amout of labels.1:1 Want- and requestlist implemented. The collector can now specifiy from who he like to get a duplicate banana labelApple Touch Icons addedGallery changed to see all uploaded pictures at onceNew field in the "Duplicates from" of a single label: "I want this label: ☑"E-Mailaddresses of all members filtered by country nameReorg catalog entries and add a substructure with alphabet letters.Brand classification with an icon in the table of contents. This does help to see, what the purpose of a brand is (supermarket, farm, certification, ...)The Country of a collector is added to his nameRate comments now with thumbs up instad of heardsReview View for labels without a catalog entryRemove CSS to hide error messagesAt each label: Undecided verificationAt each label: Likes of the collectorsError in TS-Magazines fixedChat includedNew View: Who is online?The view with the number of labels a tradepartner has got is now linked with the trade list itself.New CSS Class Handwriting to use in CommentsNew view to review the materialShow the individual votings of LIKI IT to all other collectorsThe bullets of lists are now in orange. Cool.Omit the verifications of collectors when label type is promotion (no banana label) or documentation.Many changes in the layout (heart vs. stars, backgroundcolor, headlines, ...)A vew with the individual verifications of a collectorA view is added in the forum with labels having a low filling level in the descriptionTotal number of brands added to the table of contentsA view is added in the forum with labels in poor quality that someone should updateA description is added to the motif at the statistic page.We have now 220 different motives and that should be enough. Admins permissions are required to change it.The collection of a tradepartner can be shown. From the list of how many labels a collector does have, is a link to the entire collection.Motif in a hierarchical order and with a small iconNew statistic page with the motives of a labelSearch for colors: Select colors by AND instad of ORNew statistic page with information about the used colors of our banana labelsThe list of all tradable labels of a collector are sorted now by the date/time, when the label is added to this list. The old sort criteria was by entrancedate of the label in the catalog.Finding own catalog entries: county "EL Salvador" addedFlipbook with all labels of the month in the article sectionLabels of last month: the text format for comments at the front page (CR is now <p>)Adding a new "post date filter" to "Like Bananalabels" to see the most liked labels of a monthMeasure node completion module (completion of the description)Country flags added to all other countries statistic pages (verify, likes)Catalog entries showing country flagCountry statistic with flagsList of uploaded banana labels is sorted by recent activity- So the collector with thte latest upload is on the top of the listA view to all labels a collector has got from a specific tradepartner. Only available for user role "Collector" having the ability of "Personal Catalog Information"A "Thank you" list with the entries of the tradepartners and number of labels of the personal catalog informationSecond Opinion. A new list in the Catalog menue of collectors with dubious labels, that are verified by other collectorsAll comments on the level "Catalog Entry" are now with the lens to allow a direct reply or update.Author of the uploaded label added in the detailsSplit magazines and Gerri's catalog in two menu entriesAdding all new entries (400 pages) of Gerri's catalogView with all flipbooks in menu entry "Article"Flip books for the old magazines from Leee, Kathie, John S., ...Flipbook realised, many magazins have to be converted in PDFNumber of all duplicates of all collectors is added to the tradepageNew View to check the own verification: List where the own verification differ from other collectorsUpload Chiquita PreCureThere is now an own BEST OF (most liked) list of banana labels in the statistic menuSome experiments with Photoshop to enhance the picturesThe collectors who doubt labels to be bananalabels are publishedNew URL: banana-label-catalog.orgSitemap and XML Sitemape includedMore colors. Getting rid of grey.Updating the German translation of all viewsUsing the Drupal module i18n-views for storing translations in viewsReduce the CSS file by 1/3Unflag a label of the wantlist after 100 days: ☑ => ☐New format of the comments: 'Like it' and bubble displayChange "Add Catalog Entry, Add Bananalabel, Add Gallery" from a link to a buttonContact Dole and ask them to complete their farmnumbersAdding all shapes to the labelsBananalabels with some mous-over effectsComments of a bananalabel are also shown in it's catalog entryDole: Visit my Farm! with a link frpm the farmnumber to the Dole pageIncluding Charts: Monthly growthCatalog menu appears when editing the documentation bookUpdate the documentationRequestlistWishlistPrinting the size of the label when expanding itMore views to rate "best labels" of a countryUsing a "Handwriting" font for commentsDifferent display type for mobile for articles and the two columnsSatistik: How much are the labels liked of a countryUse the colo RED to identify labels a collector does not have. So when you see an catalog entry you can see all labels you do not have quite quickerClassify labels to be "Knockoffs". That are labels that are from a banana but seems to be a fraud, that means not from the original brandDifferent picture for arcticle "Adding Bananalabels". Not a generiy one, but something related to the catalog.All tables: Distance of search fields and table: 3emBuitify the "Create Label" formularHeadline of search filters is too big. The owner / certifications tooTradelist with aditional filter on catalog entryDisplay "Labels I can offer" in a set of 5 x 5 labels instead of the listSolving the 5px problem with Panels. Solved by moving it away from the left border."Details" link renamend in "view"More "Call to Action" elements at the front page: Verify and Like addedA REJECTED as an picture overlay of banana labels marked with "misprint or fake".Filter "Review Year of Issue" by year of issueRemoving the border of the shape picturesBuitify the "Check yxz" Views. They do not fit the screen."Impressum" without the <li> dotOptimize keywords, Google AdsUnderstands Web Analytics
Post date:
янв 2015
Last modified:
июн 2020