Don Mario: Label in White & RFA

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


April 2023


michael (2019-05-16)

A fine use for the flip function in the catalog entry: The label next of this one has also the diameter of 30mm, but when you flip you see the DON MARIO is much larger and the bananas have got the red 'shadow'.

To use the flip function you need the mouse so it is not possible on smartphones. When you click on the picture you can click on the arrows to flip to the next banana label and back again. It's fun to compare labels this way.

PETER NIESSEN (2017-07-21)

Orange banana. Heavy green inking.

PETER NIESSEN (2017-04-17)

Bigger size (29x29mm)

Michael (2016-06-05)

Found yesterday in Zweibrücken / Germany

Michael (2016-03-21)

Found this one today in Frankfurt. 30mm, it is a huge label!

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