When collecting banana labels a catalog of all known banana labels is quite essential. To build this catalog and to keep it up to date requires an immense investment. A catalog of this huge collecting area needs time & experience to add all the new labels at the right place and money to run on fast computers. You also need someone to keep the IT environment up to date and who is doing all the user support. It should be understandable, that to operate and to maintain this online collection is NOT for free.
Peter and I are doing almost all the work (91%). And to be direct: I'm geting tired to do the extreme workload for free without having any benefit. My impression is, that at the moment the relation between helping and consuming members is wrong. We need a way, that more collectors like to keep the catalog up to date to reduce my workload AND that collectors who focus only on the tradelists are doing something else to compensate the tremendous work of providing this platform.
Premium Members
We have 720€ annual cost for the IT system and think, it is the best option to get the money on voluntary basis. It should be possible in our community of collectos that we can dispose about a budget to run this platform. We are friends and have got the same interests in collecting banana labels. The following collectors do understand it and have the status of premium members, that means they help in the cost.
Collectors who can help in this issue have access to additional content (statistic and magazines) in exchange but we do not want that collectors who can't help have a disadvantage. That means premium members are asked to keep the catalog up to date like any other member.
There is still a financial gap. In 2019 was a gap of 312,37€ that was paid by me and what I like to avoid to do in 2020 again. When this catalog of all known banana labels help you, than it is fair to participate at the cost that really exists. We do not make money with the catalog, but we also do not like to take all the cost. So, 4 to 6 collectors with an annual contribution of about 50€ are still missing at this list.
Helping members
It is an extreme workload to identify and add many hundreds of labels each month, to increase the quality of the existing online collection and to do all the other IT stuff mentioned in all the articles. To get help in keeping the catalog up to date the access to the trade list is prohibited for not helping members. These following collectors help and have access to the trade list:
The catalog gives automatically access to the trade list when you have earned enough helping points. You get helping points when helping in keeping the catalog up to date, for example when you verify or add banana labels. Please read the article about our helping points if you need further details. If you do not have fun to earn helping points you can also send labels to the ADMIN and you will have access to the trade lists without further effort.
Collectos who do not help enough at the moment
Before you have access to the trade lists a little bit of help is needed to maintain the catalog. You are asked to add banana labels, verify banana labels, give comments and share you knowledge or correct missing data in the description of the labels. Please read the article about our helping points if you need further details what to do to maintain the catalog.
If you do not have time to keep the catalog up to date but like to have access to the trade list, you can send banana labels to the ADMIN. When sending banana labels you do something to compensate the tremendous work the ADMIN is doing for you and what is not for free for not helping members.
To sum it up:
- The catalog is NOT for free. No way.
- Participate at IT costs that really exist as much as you like. Be sure, nobody of us is making any profit and all the money is for the infrastructure only
- Send (exiting) banana labels for all the work the ADMIN is doing for your entertainment. 3% of the length of your trade list each year is the benchmark. Or just help to keep the catalog up to date and earn action points.
We are a small community of collectors and want to have everybody on board. Please let the ADMIN know what you like to do to use the catalog. This way the ADMIN as not the feeling he is doing all the work without having any benefit.
The ADMIN is available at info@riehl-collection.de. If there are any questions, please let him know.