Slogan: Unwrap me now

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


May 2019


May 2019


bertieboy (2019-05-18)

Go and look up the chiquita site, blue sticker and you will see why they produce labels.The sets are great.
I for one wish to get a copy of all issued.

llecha (2019-05-17)

most of slogans get 1 cos it's a poor and weak idea in general. if this one was the only one chiquita made with this design then... I'd give it 2. But since they create hundreds and hundreds stupid labels with no imagination, no creativity etc it does deserve 1.

michael (2019-05-16)

@Sergeev: I can't believe that you have given only 1♡. A Christmas label in red with the slogan "Unwrap me" is genial. I want to have soooo much this set in my collection and you vote "Ugly. That quality should be prohibited.". Haha, but you vote and many others not.

So thank you to have an opinion and I wonder what the other collectors are voting.

Claus V. (2017-03-30)

Older version of "Unwrap me now". Issued 1991 or before. Note that the ® on the right side is at the bottom whereas on the newer ones it at the top

elvisvelez (2016-02-09)

Christmas promo

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