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Brand Classification: 

  • Structure Element

Dole Food Company, Inc. is an American-based agricultural multinational corporation headquartered in Westlake Village, California. The company is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, operating with 74,300 full-time and seasonal employees who are responsible for over 300 products in 90 countries. However, once Chiquita Brands and Fyffes finish their merger, it will be No. 2.


1972: Mit seiner Bananenmarke „Dole“, die die Bezeichnung „Cabana“, vormals „Deloro“, ablöst, will der Nahrungsmittelkonzern Castle & Cooke Foods, San Francisco, die Markenbanane „Chiquita“ der New Yorker Konkurrenz United Fruit Company von Platz eins verdrängen.


March 2016
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