Now, 8 years later, I have to say that hardly no one wants to pay the IT costs for the catalogue. Since I don't want to ask any more, here's an official statement: The catalog is free for you, I'll continue to bear the anual costs of 720€ almost entirely myself.
However, I would appreciate it if you would send me some stickers from time to time as a thank you. That way you can get the 'Premium Membership' with a lot of additional content like magazines, statistics, galleries and insights.
Have fun everyone
Post date:
Sep 2022
Last modified:
Sep 2022
So sad, that only a few
So sad, that only a few collectors support this awesome catalog, and so many collectors use it regularly. Come one folks, be more solidair. We all (not only the paying membets) would miss the catalog very much. A Big thankyou to you, Michael, for your decision to go ahead with this wonderful catalog, in which you have investef a lot of time, knowledge and money.
Buongiorno gentile Michael.
Buongiorno gentile Michael. Grazie per quello che fai. E' meraviglioso. Sarebbe molto utile una quota di adesione, anche minima (10 o 20 €). Penso che ogni Utente si sentirebbe più attaccato ed appassionato al Catalogo. Da parte mia invierò la somma, come la precedente, ogni anno. Cordialmente da piero
Good morning kind Michael. Thanks for what you do. It's wonderful. A membership fee, even a minimum (€ 10 or € 20), would be very useful. I think that every User would feel more attached and passionate to the Catalog. For my part, I will send the sum, like the previous one, every year. Sincerely from piero
Thank you, and of course it
Thank you, and of course it will help. But in general, the last 8 years have shown, only if I send a reminder or begging mail I get from very few collectors a little bit of money. And I have to send in addition again and again my bank accounts and some thank you mails. A lot of work to get 10€ or 20€, so decided not to do it in future.
Now 8 month later no one has
Now 8 month later no one has send a single banana label for all the work I'm doing to keep the catalog up and running.