Rewe: Red Labels

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Brand Classification: 

  • Supermarket


November 2016


July 2020


PETER NIESSEN (2017-03-13)

Fat font. Lighter red color

Michael (2015-11-11)

No, No. These are from my point of view experiments of a copyshop failing to produce a red REWE label.

Michael (2015-09-25)

Yep, I will do it.

I do not have a solution, it is only to talk about ...

PETER NIESSEN (2015-09-25)

well, I got this label, too. But I am not sure about it, if it is, or if it is not. You should check the REWE stores, to see if this label (in blue) shows up someday.

Michael (2015-09-25)

I don't know what I'm doing. Is this a banana labels or something else?

We should think about a button at each label of our catalog "My label is from a banana" and focus on collecting & trading banana labels the way we have done it some years ago ...

I guess it is time to change something.

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