We take great care of our hobby and are friends in sharing banana labels. We treat each other with respect and fairness. This catalog is a peaceful place. To protect the harmony in our community and the joy of this hobby unfortunally some collectors are now excluded from this website. This article is to inform you about what has happend:
- To build up this huge catalog was an unimaginable amount of work and money. Two collectors are already excluded last year, because they do not like to help at all. They have not done anything in 5 long years. Just zero. They leave me alone with all the work and money I have to investigate. No helping hand and absolutly no attempt to change it.
- Yesterday I excluded one collector, because he said I'm doing 'dishonest trade practices' and he is 'discusted' from me. This is of course factually incorrect and an inappropriate choice of words. He said this not only to me but also to an other well respected collector so it was time to say good bye. Problems we like to solve in a different way.
- One anonymous collector with a fake e-mail address was deleted. At this wonderful place we want to know each other.
This are 4 collectors in 6 years. I do not really want to discuss it and prefere to focus on positiv things in doing this hobby. It is only to let you know.
P.S.: Some collectors are adding content to this catalog not in maximum quality. A while ago a collector has given verifications that has been obviously wrong. Because we did not came together by e-mail or chat I blocked this collector for a while to start the discussion about the verifications. But all this is only to keep the quality of the catalog high. When you are blocked, don't worry about this topic but try to get in contact with me. Please learn how to verify labels, scan labels, add a label at the correct catalog entry and how to fill all fields to enable the search for banana labels. And please remember, doing nothing is also not really an option.