Release Notes

The possibilities for using the catalog are constantly being improved.


2020 Mar

  • Anual cost of 720€. Extra cost of 230€ for bug fixing due to lost field data in new Drupal release
  • 250 to 350 new labels each month and a lot of rework causes too much time in front of the computer
  • No fun to continue with the catalog. A fultime job without any benefit. Many discussions with collectors who do not help or who do add labels in low quality.
  • Bonus points can be earned for helping in the catalog & catalog is restricted only for 'helping members'
  • 33,059 labels, 4,578 brands, 238 collectors
  • 18,945 duplicates, 117K verifications


2019 Nov

  • Each label has got a 'Trade Value' to compare the want- & request list not only by length
  • 11 collectos who help in the cost
  • 32,097 labels, 4,491brands, 223 collectors
  • 17,523 duplicates, 112K verifications


2019 Apr

  • New trade feature for special trade labels
  • 29136 labels, 4362 brands, 210 collectors
  • 13029 duplicates, 81K verifications


2018 Oct

  • Infrastructure costs of 60€ per month. Database extends the 1GB and needs to be separated on a second server.
  • Premium Membership is introduced for collectors who participate in the cost. Some functions and information of the catalog are moved to this user group
  • 26972 labels, 4216 brands, 188 collectors
  • 12084 duplicates, 71K verifications


2018 Feb

  • Translation to Russia with the help of Elya Khrapovitskaya and translation into Low Saxon with the help of Sabine Krüger
  • 24500 labels, 3875 brands, 140 collectors
  • 9550 duplicates, 63K verifications


2017 Nov

  • Year of issue is updated with help of 360 New Addition pages from Gerri (1995 - 2013). Missing labels from Gerri's collection are added to the catalog
  • 24000 labels, 3800 brands, 135 collectors
  • 9400 duplicates, 62K verifications


2017 Feb

  • 13000 pictures in low qualety are replaced with best images
  • 21500 labels, 3600 brands, 86 collectors
  • 8100 duplicates, 53K verifications


2016 Aug

  • Responsive Grid for all banana lables instad of fixed 5 columns
  • 20,000 labels, 73 collectors


2016 Mar

  • The huge collections of Costa Rica are added to the catalog: Luis, Walter, Max, Kevin, Pablo
  • 18,500 labels, 58 collectors
  • Labels are requested from a specific collector: 1:1 trades.


2015 Nov

  • Chat included
  • 17,000 labels, 49 collectors
  • The collections of Michael Ebnet-Feit, Becky, Michael Riehl, Martin Schwember and Manfred are merged


2015 Jun

  • Flip Book for many Magazines from John, Leee, Kathy and Gerry
  • Flip Book for the new additions of a month


2015 Mar

  • Tradelist now with "Requestlist" and "Wishlist", to ask for labels and see, what other collectors like to get in exchange.
  • Comments of a banana label are also shown in it's catalog entry
  • 20 registred users, 11,600 labels online


2015 Jan

  • Adding a forum
  • Upload new labels with predefined catalog entries


2014 Dec

  • German and Spanish translation
  • Promotion on Facebook
  • 12 Collectors


2014 Aug

  • First friendly user: Bill Martz, Peter Niessen, Klement Cepon
  • 10,000 labels online


2014 Jun

  • Plain vanilla Drupal 7.x installation
  • Start implementation of "Catalog of Banana Stickers"


Last modified: 

мар 2020