Javed: 2020 - Bana Zone - Monuments in Black

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February 2020


October 2021


michael (2021-12-23)

There are a lot of misspellings at the names of the monuments. Not only at this label. I wonder, why they produce banana labels written not in the best English for the Indian market. I also wonder, why they write in English anyway.

michael (2020-02-28)

Just click the button 'Add bananalabel' at the bottom of each catalog entry. Enter all the data and press SAVE. That's it.
More details at http://banana-label-catalog.org/article/adding-bananalabel

javedzsyed (2020-02-28)

Please let me know how can add here new labels (pictures and Details)

michael (2020-02-28)

Please add them to the catalog, you have got the permission

javedzsyed (2020-02-28)

This labels I got from Mumbai supermarket, I think this is new Indian fruits company, I also got more different banana labels, same company

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