Mack: Premium

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Brand Classification: 

  • Fruitimport


October 2017


October 2017


bertieboy (2021-02-27)

Found in Northern Ireland

bertieboy (2020-10-20)

Found in Portsmouth England last week

PETER NIESSEN (2019-04-24)

This label is not grey. The real color is SILVER

bertieboy (2019-03-19)

Dark grey

Michael (2016-05-23)

Yes, you are right. It is 17mm instead of 27.

PETER NIESSEN (2016-05-23)

Please check the size again. I believe, there is something wrong.

bertieboy (2016-04-25)

It is now found in light grey, dark grey and silver ( 3 versions)

Michael (2016-04-25)

We have in our colour scheme only gold, no silver. So we must use gray instead ...

bertieboy (2016-03-17)

Sorry but there is no colour to scan (black,grey and white)

Michael (2016-03-17)

And, BTW, when you EDIT "your" banana label, you will find next to the SAVE button a DELETE. You can always delete own content (but not the uploaded banana labels of other collectors). I can't do it neither and have to delete a label as an admin. ...

Michael (2016-03-17)

Hi Bert, I do not delete this label, but the newer on. Please remember, you (we) can always change the picture of an existing labe, when we have a better onel. Just EDIT it and replace the picture field. It is easy.

The bigger problem is, that your latest scans are in black/white. Please could you check your scanner? And probably you replace this picture by yourself. When there is a quesion I will support.

bertieboy (2016-03-16)

Please disregard, scanned it upside down. Sorry

bertieboy (2016-02-13)

Found today in N Ireland.
Banana box is now grey also

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