Barcode: PLU on Top

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


January 2017


April 2023


Jiranek (2021-08-09)

Poland Polanica Zdroj

PETER NIESSEN (2021-05-02)

Large ®

PETER NIESSEN (2021-04-05)

Light colors. Smaller #4011

michael (2020-05-30)

Jiri said that this label was not only in this set but also alone on bananas. It is added to both catalog entries.

michael (2020-05-23)

@Jiri: I replaced the picture of the existing label with your one. It was already there but so far only in the catalog entry of this new set.

PETER NIESSEN (2020-05-21)

Much darker blue

michael (2019-05-28)

Your scans are perfect Татьяна: 300dpi, high quality and a yellow background paper. I enjoy it, it makes the pictures very good compareable. Well, and all fields are filled. Thank you very much, this reduce the workload of the Admin.

Zabava (2019-05-28)

Large ®

PETER NIESSEN (2018-07-05)

Dark yellow. ® missing.

bananacarril (2017-04-01)

No Rainforest Alliance labels with this Mexican set

Michael (2017-03-25)

Large ®

PETER NIESSEN (2017-03-07)

Different barcode

PETER NIESSEN (2017-02-09)

Interesting: what was intended to be yellow, here is a kind of orange (fine red dots on yellow). It is the first time I see this.

Michael (2017-01-15)

I created the catalog entry "Chiquita: Barcode and #4011 on Top" and moved / added all related Chiq labels there. Some color combinations with yellow or white background are missing. Has anyone found them?

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