Plátano de Canarias: Classic

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


November 2016


June 2019


PETER NIESSEN (2022-09-04)

New size (30x20 mm), paper. Found in Alcampo (Auchan) supermarket.

PETER NIESSEN (2021-10-30)

This label has been issued also, to support the island of La Palma (Canary Islands), which is being hitten by a volcano. Big destruction of houses, roads, companies and banana plantations. Almost 5 weeks of constant lava is flowing into the ocean.

PETER NIESSEN (2021-05-15)

Very dark blue, almost black.

PETER NIESSEN (2019-08-25)

As far as I know, this is NOT a label. The picture is printed multiple times all over a plastic foil, probably to wrap bananas,
On the picture, you can clearly see the transparent plastic foil around the label, badly cutted out from the plastic sheet.

michael (2018-10-27)

Found today in Frankfurt / Germany on Bananas

PETER NIESSEN (2016-12-07)

Never saw this tiny format.

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