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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company

The Jacaranda company (Cabo Delgado province, Mozambic) currently has some 100 hectares of banana for export. The company was hoping to increase exports to over 3000 tonnes in 2013. However, the company, would like to expand to 1000 hectares, although it seems that one of the constraints to such a major expansion is the capacity of the port of Nacala.


December 2014


February 2016


Ferrin (2020-05-09)

Thank you! It is a very beautiful label ....

michael (2020-05-08)

This label is from Kevin C.M. in Costa Rica. His father is working as a consultant at banana farms in Mozambique and is the source of most of our mint labels from there. I have visited Kevin and meet him in person at his house in Siquirres and he told me that this yellow labels are not used on bananas. Kevin has given 1✓.

Ferrin (2020-05-08)

Why rejected? - no explanation ...

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