Carrefour: Round Labels

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Brand Classification: 

  • Certification


September 2018


zantrost (2018-11-18)

One friend told me it is written something like: China quality system. So probably not brazilian.

michael (2018-03-02)


bananacarril (2015-08-01)

It's from a Brazilian Carrefour and may well have been on bananas. I got similar ones of varying sizes off of bananas on multiple occasions, and even one time very large ones, like for melons, but used on bananas in a store display showing all the different kinds of fruit they were promoting.

bananacarril (2015-05-02)

It's a 50-50% on this exact label - this style Carrefour label could be found on any kind of fruit in Brazil - I found them big and small on bananas, and based on size I think this one fits. Now, if you want to laugh, I got mine off a store display at the entrance to the produce section. On bananas - absolutely. On the fruit inside the area, smaller versions! I vote for a banana label!

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