Bio Organic: Green Label & Texture

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Dezember 2020


Dezember 2020


PETER NIESSEN (2023-05-16)

Bright green. Texture almost invisible.

michael (2023-03-16)

@Peter: This label is new, but you had added it to the other one with the same FLO-ID. Please check: This one does not have texture AND the 'FAIRTRADE-Code' is longer. The 'R' is below the black box and at the other one the 'A' is below the box. So there are now 2 labels with FLO-ID 34118

michael (2023-02-23)

I can't read the FLO-ID or Country of Origin at this blurry picture. So I suggest, when we found any of this label with the new shape here at LIDL, we replace the picture.

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