Hendersons Wholesale

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Brand Classification: 

  • Supermarket

Bag label


März 2020


März 2020


michael (2020-05-06)

@Bert: This label is of the same kind like the red round 1£ label. It is a label that sticks on the plastic bags and you said about that kind of labels: "No way can they be classed as banana labels". You remember?

Do we really need it in the catalog or is this rather something for a private collection? A special personal collection of price tags taken from banana plastic bags. I do not know who else is collecting this, because they are really ugly. If there is nearly nobody I would say not to add too many of it to the catalog in the future ..

bertieboy (2020-05-06)

The £1 stickers can be found anywhere even on pairs of socks, whilst the bag labels clearly states bananas.
I find it strange that for years collectors have downloaded bag labels and hang tags without comments,will they and wrappers, and all mention now be removed from the site? BTW others do collect them.

bertieboy (2020-05-05)

Bag Label.
Henderson supply to Spar and Vivo stores across Northern Ireland

bertieboy (2020-03-18)

Bag label. Found in local Spar shop

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