Mr Agro S.A.

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Februar 2016


Mai 2016


Ferrin (2020-03-18)

In my collection this label is classified as a melon label...

Ferrin (2020-03-18)

In my collection this label is classified as a melon label...

PETER NIESSEN (2016-05-14)

I agree, Nick.

Nick (2016-05-14)

In my collection this label is classified as a melon label:

Nick (2016-05-14)

In my collection this label is classified as a melon label:

bananacarril (2016-05-14)

Agree Michael - it may be box label? There are two normal sized banana labels from the same brand just posted, so that may answer the question.

bananacarril (2016-05-14)

May be a box label, as I also have the same brand, in both color variants, in smaller normal sized banana labels - they are both posted, one blue, one red.

Michael (2016-02-09)

Becky has got one of this brand in her collection. So I added this two variants. However- knowing nothing about this labels - it is difficult to decide, where they are from and when they are used on bananas ...

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