Isla Bonita: Côte d'Ivoire

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Februar 2019


bertieboy (2019-02-25)

Will remove it from my collection.

PETER NIESSEN (2019-02-25)

I have written to the Company, asking about this labels. They have replied, that this label has never been used on bananas. Only on mangoes and papayas. And they were surprised, that this label has been uploaded to the catalog (I sent a link to them), because 3 years ago they changed the label to a new design. If anyone wants, I can send the email they wrote. Obviously it is written in spanish.

llecha (2019-02-20)

I asked, the guy who had sent me it, if he's sure that it's a banana label. He said- yes, many different fruits are being marked with this label -papaye , banane, mangue, avocado, ananas.

Several pictures he sent:

llecha (2019-02-17)

it makes sence

plus this "par avian". who, in his right mind, would transport bananas with planes?

but, if this producer has no special label for different fruits, he can stick it on every fruit without thinking much

PETER NIESSEN (2019-02-16)

The text says all. Translated from Spanish: RIPENED ON THE TREE. As we all know, bananas don’t grow on trees. Bananas grow on PLANTS. So, for me it is definitely NOT a banana label.

bertieboy (2019-02-16)

I got mine the same way.The writing means "Matured on tree"
I await Claus V. answer

llecha (2019-02-16)

got it recently from France, a guy sent me it as a banana label

can't trust, can't not to trust, just a fact that someone declares it's from banana

Claus V. (2019-02-05)

Please do not remove it!
I exchanged thebsame sticker (Although with the web-address), and my contact says he foundthe sticker on bananas so although Isla Bonita is selliung many different exotic fruits this could very well be from bananas. I will write isla Bonita and ask for a verification.

Zabava (2019-02-01)

Thank you! This is very useful information! I think this sticker can be removed from the catalog.

PETER NIESSEN (2019-01-30)

Isla Bonita sells many exotig fruits. This label is mainly found on mangos and papayas. I have never seen this label on bananas, although Isla Bonita is seeling many different fruits here in Spain.

Zabava (2019-01-30)

Colleagues, I really don't know if this is a banana sticker or not. I got it through an exchange and I need help to understand what it is.

PETER NIESSEN (2018-03-16)

Found by a friend in Barcelona (CARREFOUR) on baby bananas.

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