Scanning Banana Labels

We like to have wonderful pictures of our labels in the catalog. However, it is more important to document a new variant and have at least one acceptable picture than waiting always for better ones. To get wonderful pictures of a label, you should scan them with a scanner and not take a picture with a camera. Magnify the small stickers up to 300dpi so you can see them later on the computer screen well. If possible, use a yellow background paper, so all our labels in the catalog look nearly the same.

You will need to cut out the label from your scan and turn vertically if they are displaced. Please leave some space so the label can "breathe" in the image. We suggest the free software "IrfanView". If the colors are faded, a color auto-correction can help.

Again, if you like to have your label similar to the existing ones in the catalog, to compare the size, you should use 300dpi and cut them with the help of "IrfanView" out.

  • 300px width x 405px height ( 1 : 1.35) or
  • 300px width x 555px height ( 1 : 1.85) for larger labels

That's it. For more details check the Dokumentation at "Adding Pictures". And please don't worry to upload pictures, you can always replace it.




Last modified: 

Mär 2016