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Brand Classification: 

  • Generic


Julio 2019


Julio 2019


Michael (2017-01-24)

Thank you to suggest better names we can use for our catalog entries. That does help very much and I enjoy it.

This set with "MyChiquita.eu" has got the the name "MyChiquita" and is already used. The 3 sets with a similar motiv does not have this URL, so this is the reason I have not choosen this URL in the name of their catalog entries.

bertieboy (2017-01-24)

This set has MYCHIQUITA.EU on it, so why not use this for catalog entry under faces?

Michael (2017-01-23)

So far we have no good name for the new set with the MISS CHIQUITA. Sometimes also LADY is used. Because of this label I suggest the name MISS.

So when you search for MISS in the table of contents you will find the catalog entry.

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