Unclassified Labels: Arabic Font / العربية

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  • Generic


Octubre 2018


Octubre 2019


javedzsyed (2021-11-24)

This is not banana label, because on label written Mango in Arabic language

Ferrin (2020-03-18)

Philippines Export - Label on the crate to determine: where the bananas must be sent.
There is also a label for crates: "CZ" - this is the country of destination = Czech Republic.

It is important that the warehouse knows where to export bananas ...

michael (2020-03-17)

It seems to be the name of a medical institut in Jeddah (and not Philippines)

Zabava (2019-05-28)

Found on bananas in Nuremberg on the market in 2003. I'm not sure it's Arabic.

Zabava (2019-05-28)

Found on bananas in an Egyptian hotel in 1997

bananacarril (2016-05-12)

It may well be, but it was found on bananas -- a common practice in many countries.

Michael (2016-05-12)

Translate: Manjo Ismaalaoui / Mango Ismaalaoui

Michael (2016-05-12)

Translate: Bananas from Jaafar 045 / 666515

Michael (2016-05-12)

Translate: Obst Aantar Abu Dumah / Fruit Aantar Abu Dumah

Michael (2016-05-12)

Translate: Nabil Alioua

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