Inter Banana: Globus

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


März 2020


März 2020


PETER NIESSEN (2020-03-22)

This can't be a misprint of the other label, because there is missing the text "Fruit Export Company". In my opinión, it is a different label to the green one.

michael (2020-03-21)

I guess it's a misprint or better I would suggest to reject this label. The green colour is missing. What do you think?

michael (2020-01-29)

Today I added again many labels to the catalog and have done some sorting of the catalog entries. 1900 'helping points' do I have and the distance to other collectors helping to keep the catalog up to date is very, very high.

We need a solution that I also have a benefit when doing all this. I'm losing the fun that's for sure.

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