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Brand Classification: 

  • Supermarket


August 2015


Mai 2016


bananacarril (2016-05-29)

W-37 is Mexico City's massive Ixtapalapa wholesale market.

bananacarril (2016-05-29)

W-37 is a banana dealer in Mexico City's massive Ixtapalapa wholesale market. These came off boxed bananas being carried by a hand truck boy headed for a waiting produce retailer's truck. Got very few of them at the time.

PETER NIESSEN (2015-08-19)

Look at X-22, which we have declared as a brand. I believe, it is the number of the shop, a wholesaler has in the wholesaler's market in Mexico DF.
And X-48 should be the brand name, as well. Because "Plátanos Machos y Morados" only says, which kind of bananas they sell.

Michael (2015-08-19)

Why do you use the brand name W-37 and not "Platanos Morados"? We have for example "Plátanos Machos Y Morados" with an X-48 label.

P.S.: I feel like a hunchbacked librarian ...

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