Morado / モラド

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Dezember 2014


Oktober 2016


PETER NIESSEN (2017-05-29)

MORADO is the Spanish word for PURPLE (violet)

Michael (2017-05-29)

MORADO are Red Bananas in the Philppines. Please check in the search function (upper right corner of this websiste) for further labels with this text.

bananacarril (2016-12-05)

No idea, but it came from Japan, and is a banana label.

Michael (2016-10-21)

台湾産 = "Taiwan Production", so the brand name is still unknown. But the sentence at the top says: やっぱり本場の味 = "After all, the taste of home". Is this a slogan you would put on bananas?

May be it is in our catalog, because it is quite similar to the "MORADO / モラド red banana" label?

Michael (2016-10-20)

Moved to MORADO (モラド)

Michael (2015-04-25)

Who has got the brand name?

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