A.W. Kirkebye (AWK)

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Brand Classification: 

  • Banana Company


Juni 2016


michael (2018-03-22)

When some of us collectors like to add labels with a white, black or a dominant red background it is a decision I should respect. But, to have good pictures of the labels is important for the catalog. Therefore I'm unsure ..

From my point of view, with all the different backgrounds and sizes, the catalog might look unorganised. And to compare the size of labels, it is also useful to have the same size. And this I can do with Photoshop (when the pictures are scanned with 300dpi).

Sometimes I really do not know whether I should use Photoshop to make the labels more compareable. Is this OK for you all?

michael (2018-03-21)

Thank you Claus to update the year of issue. I'm impressed about what we all individually know and how it all fits together.

Claus V. (2018-03-18)

This label is danish from around 1935. The bananas were imported by a danish importer A.W. Kirkebyewho had negotiated the banana trade to Denmark with Fyffes. It says "BVelmosnede Kirkebye Bananer" which means "Well ripened Kirkebye Bananas", The label was found on a visit to the A.W.Kirkebye family in middle of 1990'ties.

michael (2018-03-18)


Claus V. (2018-03-18)

This label is danish from around 1930. The bananas were imported by a danish importer A.W. Kirkebyewho had negotiated the banana trade to Denmark with Fyffes. This why the label caries the famous Fyffes "new moon" sorounding the Text, It says "Banan" which is dansish for banana. The label was found on a visit to the A.W.Kirkebye family in middle of 1990'ties.

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