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Brand Classification: 

  • Supermarket


August 2019


zantrost (2021-04-23)

Mine is dark violet, I think yours is color variation, more light.

PETER NIESSEN (2021-04-16)

@zantrost: the colors of your picture are quite different to mine. Please check, if it could be the same labels, or rather a color variation.

PETER NIESSEN (2016-11-21)

It is so dark, that I didn't see it

Michael (2016-11-21)

The black "Brand" above the 4011 is missing in this new variant.

PETER NIESSEN (2016-11-20)

I do not understand

zantrost (2016-11-20)

yes :)

Michael (2016-11-20)

Ahh, without the "Brand"

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