Aktuelle Artikel

What is a Trade Value?

Trade Value

So many individual aspects and background knowledge about single labels have to be concidered to answer the question: What do I get for a 'Chiquita Challange One Leg Stand' that I just found in the supermarked in exchange? But one thing should be clear, it is quite likeley not a 'Bavea'.

Theory of Everything

Theory of Everything

What is a label worth? From my point of view, it is 0€ but many heard points. Let us take for the heard points the symbol ♠. A Chiquita-Minion or a Dole-Visit-My-Farm  has got very few heard points ♠ and a Bavea many ♠.

How to force Gem:Gem

We like to get the labels we like. And there are many labels we like. With each trade we try to get a maximum number of labels and of course the old ones must be included. This is the current situation: The active collectors with very huge collections and big trade lists aks for new label from collectors with a small tradelist.

Special Trade Labels

Special Trade Labels

We have now the SPECIAL TRADE flag if we like to talk about the compensation. Is this good or not? I do not have much feedback from you as usual. What is your opinion? Peter said that this is not the best solution and we should separate the special trade labels from the other duplicates. But what do the others think?

Balanced Trades

Balanced Trades

We trade a lot. I love the hobby to collect and trade banana labels with someone, somewhere in the world. My new stars at the sky are Эля and Татьяна from Russia. Having a letter from a country far away in my mailbox is real big fun. I'm very happy to be in contact with so many wonderful collectors.
