What is a Trade Value?

Trade Value

So many individual aspects and background knowledge about single labels have to be concidered to answer the question: What do I get for a 'Chiquita Challange One Leg Stand' that I just found in the supermarked in exchange? But one thing should be clear, it is quite likeley not a 'Bavea'.

When we negotiate our trades, then we - for example - try to find out how many of this Chiquita labels we willing to give in exchange for a label from the Phillipines that was issued some years ago. I'm pretty sure, that each of our collectors comes to different results, because it depends how much you like the Philippine label and how many duplicates you have got from the Chiquitas. So you can give the complete Chiquita set with the 10 labels in exchange for the Phillipine label or a first batch of only 3 labels.

That means we trade value is between 1:3 and 1:10. So, if the trade value of the Chiquita is 1 and the trade value of the Philippine label is something between 3 and 10. This depends on you and your personal preferences. So let us assume you have tons of a very boring labels and this is your lowes trade value when trading banana labels. Then you can in principle decide how many of this boring labels you are willing to give for each of the 31.000 labels we have now in the catalog. In the result, each of the 31.000 has got a price tag in the currency of the most boring label in the world. So this is the idea of the 'Trade Value'.

Definition: The trade value measures the value of a label in the currency of the most cmmon label.

So I'm pretty sure, no one will add at each of his duplicates an individual price tag and adjust it each year, when the labels are getting older and the old boring labels are replaced by new boring labels. So we need a pragmatic solution to add a price tag at the label. Why we need this price tag is discussed in many, many other articles in this section. To sum it up: Because the collectors with the old labels in the list of duplicates are under pressure and in the consequence hide their gems.

The pragmatic solution is, that somebody who is very experienced in trading banana labels gives a good guess and other collectors can review. The individual trade value can be discussed when we trade with somebody, but the price tag is the starting point and not the current practice of a 1:1 any more. To be more clear:


The want-list and request-list do not start with the same length (like we do it at the moment) but with the same trade value


Following 'coins' I do suggest, when 1♠ is the smalles coin ever we give for a very, very boring label: 1♠, 2♠, 3♠, 5♠, 8♠, 13♠, 21♠, 34♠, 55♠, 89♠, 144♠, 233♠, 377♠, 610♠. This means, you can trade a 8♠ label for example in exchange with two labels of the values 5♠ and 3♠.

The value of individual labels in the currency of ♠ will change over the time and it is a task to keep it up to date, but I guess it is not a princple prblem. That means, yes we have to do something to keep the price list up to date, but this we do not have to do on a daily basis like at the stock exchange.

How does this sound to you? Would you accept this?

Wer hett dat schreven: 


Last modified: 

Aug 2019
