Renamed Permissions

Imagen de michael



I just renamed the permissions. The old permissions 'trained, collector, ..' were unclear.

Now we use

  • registered user: to verify, like, have and to trade labels. Advance search for labels.
    In the overview page of our community members this default permission is displayed <empty>
  • add labels: To add banana labels & catalog entries to the catalog
  • organize own collection: to have additonal private fields to store comments and tradeparterns at each label for personal purpose. Own list of favorites and statistic of trades / tradepartners
  • edit articles: to add and change articles, manual or picture galleries
  • monitor data quality: to do bulk changes of all labels in a catalog entry (country of origin, text, ..) and find labels with missing descriptions
  • premium member with special content: to get extra content (articles, flip books of other scanned collections / Gerri, Leee, .., flip books of magazines, statistics). Motiv & country of origin statistics and many more.

You can see your and all other permissions in the FORUM/Community tap. If you like to get more permissions in maintaining the catalog or if there are questions, please let me know.
