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The PLU (Price Look Up) Code

There are about 400 varieties of bananas grown today. The kind you’re most likely to see in your supermarket is the Cavendish. Price Look Up codes went into use in 1990 to identify the type of produce being sold in a grocery story.

Minimalist packaging

Swedish importer Hebe Frukt & Grönt has launched new packaging for their organic bananas. Organic bananas at Hebe make up 78.7% of banana sales, so this new packaging has the potential to really make a difference.

Bananer distribueres i København

Fyffes er verdens ældste 'frugt-brand' og importeres til Danmark af grosserer A.W. Kirkebye (1877-1957). Bananstokkene bæres ud af godsvogne ved Københavns Hovedbanegård og til banancentralen, hvor de kører ophængt i kæder gennem lange gange og ind på bananmodningslageret. De tilses og kontrolleres.

How is this site used in 2017?

From a User Experience perspective, users are indeed people. But in the world of web analytics, users are not people. They’re cookies. So before we can understand the User metric, we need to understand cookies. Cookies are literally speaking very small plain text files. They are essential for a lot of things going on online.

Laser labels for sustainable banana production

Compagnie Fruitière labels its "SCB Naturally Labelled Organic Bananas" using a method to durably label fresh produce, replacing paper labels. The eco-friendly technique involves applying an indelible mark directly onto the banana peel.
